Our financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March. We agree an annual budget in November each year and also decide on how much the annual Precept should be set at. The Precept for 2024 - 2025 has been set at £4,750.00 Our accounts are subject to an annual internal control check by a local auditor. The accounts are adopted by the Parish Council in May and the annual return documents and the accounts are displayed on the website and can be inspected by the public. The inspection dates are listed on the document which can be viewed on the website, on the Documents page under Finances and on the village notice board. The Section 137 limit for 2023-2024 will be £10.81 from 1st April 2024. This figure is calculated in accordance with Schedule 12B of the Local Government Act 1972. Section 137 allows a local council to incur expenditure which benefits their community, where there is otherwise no Power to do so. The annual maximum that can be spent is £10.81 multiplied by the number of electors.
Minutes and Agendas
Minutes and Agendas of meetings held by the Parish Council are available for download.
Minutes of full Parish Council meetings are available to read between one to weeks after a council meeting and are published here (see below). They are published in draft form on the website and the notice board within a week of the meeting and approved at the next council meeting. Agendas are published a week before a Tuesday meeting. A copy is also displayed on the noticeboard on The Street and on this website. All documents are in PDF format unless otherwise stated, so they should be opened and view within your web browser. For copies of minutes prior to 2016 please contact the Clerk.
Venue: The Parish Council will now meet at The Village Hall at 7.00 pm bi-monthly. The day on the meeting is decided at a Full Parish Council meeting on a day to suit abler to the majority of the Parish Councillors.
Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings but whilst members of the public cannot participate all the way through the meeting, a short period of time is given for members of the public to air their views on matters directly related to the Parish Council.
Council meeting dates, agendas and minutes
2024 Meetings
7th February - Agenda
7th February - Parish Council Extra Ordinary Meeting Minutes
19th February - Agenda
19th February - Parish Council Minutes
15th April - Agenda
15th April - Parish Council Minutes
3rd June - Parish Agenda
3rd June - Draft Parish Minutes
3rd June - Report from Cllr Gordon Bambridge
3rd June - Report from Cllr Bill Borrett
3rd June - Agenda
3rd June - Annual Parish Council Minutes
31st July - Report from Norfolk County Council
1st August - Agenda
1st August - Parish Council Minutes
30th September - Agenda
30th September - Draft Parish Council Minutes
2023 Meetings
21st February - Agenda
21st February - Parish Council Minutes
9th June - Parish Agenda
9th June - Agenda
9th June - Parish Minutes
9th June - Report from Cllr Gordon Bambridge
9th June - Report from the retired Chairman of the Parish Council
9th June - Parish Council Minutes
9th August - Agenda
9th August - Parish Council Minutes
23rd October - Agenda
23rd October - Parish Council Minutes
18th December - Agenda
18th December - Parish Council Minutes
2022 Meetings
15th February - Agenda
15th February - Minutes
10th May - Parish Agenda
10th May - Annual Parish Minutes
10th May - Report from Norfolk Constabulary for the Parish Meeting
10th May - Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council
10th May - Report about the Village Hall
10th May - Report from Cllr Bill Borrett and joint report from Cllrs Bambridge & Borrett
10th May - Agenda
10th May - Annual Parish Council Minutes
23rd August - Agenda
23rd August - Parish Council Minutes
22nd Nov. - Agenda
22nd Nov. - Parish Council Minutes
2021 Meetings
16th February - Agenda
16th February - Minutes
18th May - Agenda
18th May - Annual Parish Council Minutes
18th May - Parish Agenda
18th May - Annual Parish Minutes
18th May - Report from Norfolk Constabulary for the Parish Meeting
18th May - Report from Cllr Gordon Bambridge for the Parish Meeting
24th August - Agenda
24th August - Minutes
9th November - Agenda
9th November - Minutes
2020 Meetings
3rd March - Minutes
18th August -Minutes
22nd September - Agenda
22nd September - Minutes
15th December - Agenda
15th December - Minutes
2019 Meeting
5th February - Minutes
14th May - Annual Parish Council Minutes
14th May - Annual Parish Minutes
2nd July - Planning Meeting Minutes
3rd September - Minutes
26th November - Minutes
2018 Meetings
16th January - Parish Council Planning Application Meeting Minutes
6th February - Minutes
15th May - Annual Parish Council minutes
15th May - Annual Parish Minutes
24th July - Minutes
18 September - Minutes
8 November - Minutes
2017 Meetings
24th January - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
9th May - Annual Parish Meeting Minutes | Parish Council Meeting Minutes
25th July - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
24th October - Agenda| 24th October Community Presentation
24th October - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
2016 Meetings
9th February - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
24th May - Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes
21st June - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
26th July - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
18th October - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
*Annual Parish Meeting – where annual reports are heard and speakers are invited, generally a less formal meeting. Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – when the Council elects a chairman for the coming year (must be held in May)