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The residents  of Billingford are fortunate to have a Village Hall in the Village.  For information and to book the Village Hall, please contact:-

Mr Kelvin Golding

Telephone No. 01362 668347



A Village Litter Pick will take place on Sunday 2nd March, starting at 10.30 a.m. from the Village Hall.


A spring equinox walk will take place on Saturday 5th April, starting at 12.30 p.m. from the Village Hall and finishing at The Bintree Oak Public House.


A Carol Service took place on 23rd December at 3.00 p.m. in the Church.  Refreshments were served in the Church when the service had finished.


A winter solstice walk took place on 21st December. People left the Village Hall at 12.30 p.m., headed for the Bintree Oak Public House, and arrived between 1.00 p.m. and 1.30 p.m.


Past Events

Following the success of last year's events and the New Year Coffee Morning held on 2nd January, the Village Hall Committee is busy planning activities for 2024.  The following events and activities have taken place.


Event                                            Day/Date                             Time

Coffee Morning                           Saturday 18th March         10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.

Children's Easter Egg Hunt

and Coffee Morning                   Saturday 8th April              10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.

Easter Village Quiz                      Saturday 15th April              7.00 p.m.

Coffee Morning                           Saturday 22nd April           10.30 a.m. -12.30 p.m.

King Charles 111 Coronation    Monday 8th May                12.00 noon - 3 p.m.

Table Top Sale                              Sunday 20th August            3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Harvest Festival                           Sunday 24th September

Xmas Craft Fair                            Saturday 25th November

Christmas Carol Service             Thursday 21st December    3.30 p.m.


The Activities Committee are delighted to announce that we will shortly be launching a brand new website, which will feature news, hall hire, posts and further community events.  Further details concerning the Children's Easter Egg Hunt and King's Coronation will be shown on the website shortly.

Coming soon:-

Please come along and support your local village community.  All welcome.

With very best wishes, Billingford Village Hall Activities Committee


Candlelight Carol Service

A Candlelight Carol Service was held on Wednesday 21st December at the School House, within the church grounds.  The School House had recently been cleaned up by a group of volunteers and as a result enabled us to hold the Carol Service, which was the brainchild of Alice Richardson.   A few of us decorated the building with candles, holly, mistletoe and other festive decorations and I think everyone attending the Service will agree it looked absolutely beautiful.  The Carol Service was very well attended, so much so that all seats were taken and it was standing room only by the time the Service began.  In short, the School Room was full to capacity and was just wonderful to see. The Service was lead by our Vicar , Revd Sally Kimmis and readings and prayers were given by other village residents.  Everyone was in fine voice, singing the Christmas carols and afterwards we were all treated to refreshments back at Paddy and Alice Richardson's home.  A massive 'Thank You' to Alice and Paddy for arranging this wonderful event and for their very kind hospitality afterwards.  Thanks also to Ginnie and Rebecca for helping to decorate the School Room and again to Ginnie for being our 'Musical Director'.  


Billingford's New Year Coffee Morning

The village held a New Year Coffee Morning for residents at the Village Hall on Monday 2nd January, which was very well attended.  Coffee, tea and mulled wine was served and many residents bought cakes and biscuits to share.  The event raised a total of £61.00 n donations, which will go towards Village Hall and Defibrillator funds.  Thanks to Vicky, Karen, Arthur, Carolyn and Mandy for their help and support before and during the morning.  Also a 'Thank You' to Graham for helping with the washing up at the end, much appreciated.  Thank you all for coming and for your generous donations. Keith



Auctions at the Village Hall 

Billingford Saturday Auctions have unfortunately now had to cease, due to Covid rules, and will recommence when it is possible to do so.  Information regarding the new starting date for the Auction will be posted here.


Rounders Game

On Friday July 15th in the evening at 6.30 pm. for 7.00 p.m. there was a Rounders Game which took place on the Playing Field, next to the Village Hall.  The support for this event was very disappointing but those that did participate enjoyed themselves.


Quizes at the Village Hall

Quiz Nights take place on in the Village Hall.  More information can be read on the Billingford Quiz section of the Website.  The date of the next event is Saturday 14th April.


Historical Photos and News

The Parish Council was recently lucky enough to be sent some photos from the daughter of past inhabitants of Idle Cottage down Bintree Road.  The photos are of Idle Cottage and Hare Cottage and Mr Tom Dack.  She believes the two cottages were formerly part of the Holkham Estate.

The photo here is of Mr Dack of 1 Bintree Road.

Years ago it was 2 dwellings and his daughter, Mrs Harison, lived on the other side of the building with her husband and son.  Here is Mrs Harrison as a child, with her mother standing outside Hare Cottage in 1930.

Mr Dack, although in his 80s, cleared the nettles and attended the vegetable patch at Idle Cottage.  His own garden was full of lupins and other plants, and the picture shows him emerging from his greenhouse.

Billingford Village Sign
Coffee morning - Pic 1.jpg
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